Our Policies and Terms and Conditions Privacy

As a service provider for Schools, Early Learning Centres, Councils, Aged Care Providers we collect information about the organisation and the students participating in our classes. This is to ensure the health and safety of our programs, staff and the community.

Your details will not be disclosed to third parties, including our teachers or organisations we work with. If you are contacted by a third party claiming to act on our behalf, or you suspect a third party have accessed your details, please contact us immediately so we are able to resolve any issues.

Private class students will be requested to complete a Registration Form. The purpose of our registration form is to enable you to communicate with us, particularly relevant and important physical history in relation to attending classes as our student.

As a valuable member and student of the YOGAZEIT community, we may need to communicate with you from time to time about changes to classes or courses, in some cases, we may wish to extend to you a special offer. The information provided to us assists us in understanding how we may be able to tailor or improve our services to better suit you. We value your privacy and respect the sensitivity of information provided to us, and ensure your details are kept secure. Your details will be added to our mailing list, however there is an option to unsubscribe at any time.

Terms and Conditions

Students of all ages must notify YOGAZEIT and it’s teachers of any injuries or illness, or any reason they are not capable of participating in a yoga class prior to the start of all classes, and that such exercise would not be detrimental to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition.

YOGAZEIT and it’s teachers are not medically trained and are therefore not qualified to assess whether students are in good physical condition and/or that students can engage in active or passive exercise without detriment to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition. Students are advised they must take expert advice prior to commencing any exercise program if they are in any doubt about their ability to engage in active or passive yoga practice.

Following any injury or illness, a medical professional must clear students prior to returning to class. Any injury sustained during a class must be reported to YOGAZEIT and it’s teachers at the time of the event and the student agrees to complete an incident report form.

Students shall not attend a yoga/mindfulness class whilst suffering from any infections or contagious illness, disease or other ailment or whilst suffering from any physical ailment such as open cuts or sores or minor infections where there is a risk, however small, to teachers and other students.

Respect what your body is telling you. If you need medical advice, seek it. No information we provide can take the place of professional medical attention.

Clients (Students and organisations who book our services) waive YOGAZEIT Ltd. and it’s teachers from any liability and release and discharge YOGAZEIT Ltd. and it’s teachers from any liability for any injuries, loses, damages, costs, charges, expenses or liabilities incurred arising out of involvement in activities of YOGAZEIT Ltd. and it’s teachers whatsoever or howsoever occurring whether arising from the negligence of YOGAZEIT Ltd., its employees, agents and instructors or otherwise.

Epidemic/Pandemic Policy

From time to time infectious diseases develop into epidemics or pandemics, and create increased risks for the community. These occasions require specific policies targeted at the particular disease in question and requirements for preparedness.

Yogazeit Ltd. will as far as possible plan for and make advance preparations for the possibility that its operations will be affected by an epidemic or pandemic.

All of Yogazeit Ltd. staff, teachers and volunteers have been fully vaccinated to COVID-19 including Booster shots (where eligible) in line with Australian Government regulations. We have the Australian Government COVID-19 vaccination certificate on hand at all times.

In the event of a declared epidemic or pandemic, Yogazeit Ltd. will, as far as possible:

> Assist clients, employees, volunteers and others, as relevant, to minimise their exposure to the illness concerned.

> Encourage and/or direct those who have reason to believe that they are at risk of contracting the epidemic or pandemic to obtain a diagnosis.

> Support employees, volunteers, contractors and clients to take reasonable precautions to prevent infection or contagion.

> Institute administrative procedures to maintain services and operations throughout the period of concern.

> Instigate social distancing by moving to a live-online platform for classes, trainings, holding of meetings, events and event attendance when considered necessary.

> Communicate with employees, volunteers, clients, families, and any persons likely to be affected, that the epidemic or pandemic policy and procedures are in effect

Please note: We’re unable to offer a refund for a term, one off or regular class, should the class be cancelled due to the pandemic or government restrictions. Yogazeit offers the alternative of classes held live via Zoom Online or Microsoft Teams in order to continue service delivery with your known Yoga Educator at the confirmed time and day of your class. Yogazeit will provide safe log in details to your online class in a timely manner.

Teacher Training / Professional Learning during the pandemic:

If you have purchased tuition for a Teacher Training or Professional Learning to be held live and in person, and the training can’t go ahead due to impacts of the pandemic, a Yogazeit team member will get in touch with you to offer you the option of postponing your training to a later date (once restrictions ease and in-person trainings are once again safe and available) or move your training to a live online format. Please note that we can’t offer a refund – but we’ll do our best to accomodate your wishes to support your learning and growth as Yoga Educator.

Purchase Policy

Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds or transfer of payment to other courses or students. Once you are booked into a course, workshop or have purchased a class ticket, a place has been reserved for you. Refunds are not given if your circumstance changes, such as changing your mind, missed classes, illness or injury, holidays, or work commitments. Students are expected to finalise payment prior to commencement of all classes.


Organisations such as Schools, Councils, Daycares/Early Learning Centres, Aged Care Centres and other organisations booking our services for one off or term programs must settle accounts at the time of invoice before the program commences.


Ongoing classes, such as weekly or fortnightly classes that don’t have a set end-date, are to be paid upon receipt of invoice following the agreed payment terms. Usually within 7 days of invoice receipt. Please check your invoice terms and ensure payment is made in time.


Should the class be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, 24 hours notice is to be given. Cancellations within the notice period will be offered a make up class. Cancellations out of the notice period are NOT eligible for a refund and the full fee is payable. Cancellation of ongoing classes: Should you wish to cease the services offered by Yogazeit Ltd., please notify us in writing to admin@yogazeit.com.au. A 14 day notification period is to be provided to ensure your services can be adjusted accordingly.


Late payments Fee: An invoice not paid on the due date will incur in a late fee. Yogazeit Ltd. will charge $10 late fee per 30 days overdue.


All classes, trainings and professional development courses will be sold with a 10% tax as per government guidelines. The advertised pricing clearly indicates if the tax is included in the training/class/ticket price or whether this is to be added on.


The full training fee is due upon acceptance to the Teacher Training. Cancellations more than 30 days prior to the training start date will receive a partial tuition refund of 70% off the ticket fee (excluding external booking fees (e.g. Eventbrite) and excluding $100 administration fee). Cancellations within 30 days will be transferred toward a future training. Once the training begins, the training fee is non-refundable and non-transferable (Note the special COVID-19 policy). On the unlikely event that the training will be cancelled, Yogazeit will issue a partial refund of 70% minus booking fee of the full training fee.

We reserve the right at anytime to ask you to leave the training if it appears your health or physical practice are not at the level to fully participate in the training. Under such circumstances, you will be given a prorated refund, based on the amount of time you have attended the training. We also reserve the right at anytime to ask you to leave the training if your behaviour is inappropriate, unethical, or violates the Yoga Alliance ethical guidelines. Under such circumstances, you will not be refunded your training fee.

We are not responsible for any travel costs that you incur to participate in the training. No credits are given due to illness or family emergencies. 100% attendance for all hours and workshops is required in order to become a certified in your course.


Yogazeit is a registered Health Promotion Charity with DGR Status 1.1.6. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Please ask us for a receipt for your donation if we haven’t issued one automatically. Thank you for supporting our cause!

Payment Method

YOGAZEIT accepts credit card payment, bank payment (account details are listed on the invoice) and cash payment at the time of purchase. Credit Card Payment: This payment method allows you to use your credit card to make purchases in our store. All transactions are controlled and managed by Stripe. Accepted credit cards include Visa, Mastercard, and AMEX. All prices are in Australian Dollars.

  • support@yogazet.online